* This is a student created and edited page that lists the various words often associated with the internet, cyberspace, and cyberculture/s. As you each add a term to this page, please be sure to put in alphabetical order and write the definition in your own words, when possible (some terms, like MUD, are simply anacronyms). I have started the page with two terms; each week, you will be asked to add one or two more. For each term you add, please also add ONE good resource where people can read more or get more information.
Animation override (AO):
this feature allows a person to change the way their avatars move, rather than the original scripting of the avatar. Having an AO can allow the avatar, or other object, to be used in more ways and present itself in more ways, it's a handy feature to distinguish oneself.
Annie: Annie is a website, blog, wiki, or any other web page that hasn't been updated in a long time.
Avatar: a virtual caricature image representing the embodiment, or personality, of the computer user.
Accelorator: A hardware device that makes an operation run faster
BandWidth: Through any communication channel, the amount of time it will take for data to pass through
Bay: When on a computer, this is a place where a tape or disk may be installed
Back door: a way into a computer system/program either intentionally left by the program, or that has been created by a hacker in order to obtain control of the program.
Bot: a computer system that is programmed by a human to complete a certain task
Camping: a term used in Second Life specifially, it is when a person stays in one spot/location in order to earn Lindens. This is a way for the location owner to appear to have more people frequenting their spot, doing so in hopes that the spot seems to be popular and will have people willingly coming to the location.
Collective Identity: A sense of self that causes a person and/or people to feel a part of a certain group. For more information: collectiveidentity.net/node/10
Cyberhippies: the 1960s hippie culture, in the form of technology; also known as Cyberians
a slang word that they use to describe people lifestyles in their cyber world when they're constantly in the cyber world.Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers,artifical intelligence, and tend to be set in a near-future Earth Cyberpunk writers tend to use elements from the hard-boileddetective novel, film noir, and postmodernist prose to describe the often nihilistic underground side of an electronic society.
Cybersex: role-playing and interacting among people on the internet as a way to explore their sexuality and sexual act.
Cyberspace: A hypothetical environment consisting of computer networks, where online communication takes place. The term is often used interchangeably with the Internet. Click Here for more information about this term.
Cybercrime: crimes committed through using the internet and computer systems. Usually done by hackers, or those who have stole one's identity, for personal gain.
Digital Reality: video game developer
Freebie: In Second LIfe, it is something that you can obtain within the cyber world that is free (for sale of $L0) posted by a merchant/vendor for other peoples personal use and satisfaction. Items usually cannot be modified, traded, or resold after purchase. i.e. clothing, animations, skins, etc.
Hacker: A hacker is often mistaken to be a computer criminal, however in many computer subcultures a hacker is computer expert who has vast knowledge of how computers and networks operate.
Handle: the preferred name of a person online ( usually regular online users/ hackers).
Homo Cyber Sapiens : this refers to AI technology or online "bots" that possess near to human level intelegence
Inventory: materials and goods (finished or unfinished) in a person's possession or storage, their assets
Linden: a form of money in a person's possession that can be increased or decreased based upon purchases.
Mentor: a more experienced person, willing to give advice or help to another person.
Mod: short for moderator, a person who oversees a website, chat room/forum, or an internet sim to make sure people are following the rules and that the area is functioning properly.
MOO: MultiUser Dimension Object-Oriented Technology. Same thing as MUD. A text-based virtual community where multiple users can be connected at one time.
MUD: an anacronym that stands for Multi-user domain, dungeon, or dimension. The term is most often used in computer games.Click here
for more information.
Netsex: also know as cybersex, is a form of sexual interaction on the internet when two users chat and interact (through avatars and words) sexually.
Newbie - Someone who is new to a specific cyberculture. nicknames- noob, nub, newb
Notecard: a handout a person can give to another in SL. It allows a person to type in a longer message than just the text box, almost like an e-mail.
MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Many cyber cultures are created in these games, the most popular World of Warcraft.
Pan Capitalism: Contemporary free market economy in the digital age and of the virtual world.
Roots: a slang term used for networks that have been hacked into by hackers. The info for the login to get roots access is sold to spammers, who then use the access they have to send out millions of email messages
Skin- Set of clothes or image on an avatar.
Transhumanism- human enhancment through science and technology.
Virtual Community: the gathering and relationship building of individuals over time in an online space or environment.
Virtual Economy: exsistense in the virtual world where a person doesn't have to buy food in order to survive. Its more so for recreation than a necessity.
Virtual Identity: a term that describes the way in which a person "identifies" him/herself while within virtual environments and/or cyber-spaces; virtual identities can include anything from one's virtual gender, sex, and/or race to one's behaviors online to group and/or personal affiliations. A few articles about virtual identities can be found at The Virtual Muser: Identity & The Body in Cyberspace.
Virtual Harlem: learning community that studys the Harlem Renaissance through Virtual Reality.
Virtual Reality: an application that allows many users to interact in a world thats based within a computer environment.
Virtual Worlds: a computer based community that is online where people can interact with each other as avatars. Click here for more information.
a slang word that they use to describe people lifestyles in their cyber world when they're constantly in the cyber world.Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers,artifical intelligence, and tend to be set in a near-future Earth Cyberpunk writers tend to use elements from the hard-boileddetective novel, film noir, and postmodernist prose to describe the often nihilistic underground side of an electronic society.
a slang word that they use to describe people lifestyles in their cyber world when they're constantly in the cyber world.Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers,artifical intelligence, and tend to be set in a near-future Earth Cyberpunk writers tend to use elements from the hard-boileddetective novel, film noir, and postmodernist prose to describe the often nihilistic underground side of an electronic society.
Comments (3)
boneyjames1 said
at 9:13 pm on Feb 15, 2009
cyberjokey- a person who works online, usually as a volunteer . answering users questions and provding assistance to a new user (newbie) in online chat rooms and internet discuss on forums
boneyjames1 said
at 8:42 pm on Feb 22, 2009
cyber crime- is where the computer is an object to make the crime happen
Krysti said
at 1:32 am on Feb 23, 2009
Freebi- In Second LIfe, it is something that you can obtain within the cyber world that is free (for sale of $L0) posted by a merchant/vendor for other peoples personal use and satisfaction. Items usually cannot be modified, traded, or resold after purchase. i.e. clothing, animations, skins, etc.
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