

Page history last edited by Kristin Scott 14 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to NCLC 350: Cyberculture Wiki




New Century College,

George Mason University


InstructorKristin Scott


Email: kscotta@gmu.edu 

Class blog: http://nclc350.wordpress.com/

Class Websitehttp://kristinscott.net/index/page_teaching_portfolio_gmu09_nclc350.html 

Instructor's Website: http://kristinscott.net

Office Hours: by appointment

Second Life name: Professor Neox


NCLC 350: Cybercultures @ GMU on Facebook!


Course Syllabus


Required Texts:

  • The Cybercultures Reader, David Bell and Barbara M. Kennedy eds. (Routledge, 2000)
  • Other readings assigned (available online through class website or as handouts)


This wiki is for Kristin Scott's NCLC 350: Cyberculture class at New Century College at George Mason University. Students will find their weekly assignments for both their real and "virtual" classes here, as well as various resources, links, and so forth. This wiki is editable by students, which means that you can also contribute to the materials and discussions here.


The assignments posted here are in addition to the weekly blog responses on the course blog.


Table of Contents:

1. Weekly Assignments

2. Cyberculture Groups

3. Final Group Digital Ethnographic Research Project and Presentation

4. Protection of Human Subjects Procedures & HSP Handout

5. Additional Resources

6. Second Life Mentors - folks you can contact when I'm not in-world for advice or to ask questions.




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