

Page history last edited by Kristin Scott 16 years ago
If you're new to Second Life, navigating around can be rather difficult at first, and though I plan to be "in-world" as often as I can to assist you, I won't always be there when you might need to contact me. I am, for example, most often available early in the morning and rarely up past 9 p.m., so if you're a late night virtual explorer, I might not be around. Of course, you are always encouraged to email me, but if you need immediate "in-world" assistance or want to run your project ideas past another experienced SLer, I have contacted several folks who have agreed to be SL mentors for you, should you need help.
Terran Timeless (RL: Michael Galvin) - an admin faculty member at George Mason University and the Dir. Electronic ULife Services. Michael is a fabulous resource, whether for basic SL instructions or in chatting about ethnographic project ideas. Also, he's offered his new home in SL for you to go hang out in, have some privacy while changing clothes, or for opening boxes, etc. The location is: Terrain Timeless (just click on SLurl to teleport there). If you plan to use the space, please also join his group "Terrain Timeless" (you can go to my profile, scroll down to that group and click on it and "join"). Once you join the group and save the SLurl (perhaps to your "picks" tabs in your profile), you can save it as your home base (go to Terrain Timeless, then click on "World" and "Set Home to Here").  



Ignatius Onomatopoeia (aka: Iggy; aka: Joe Essid in RL) teaches in SL and is an excellent resource! In real life, he directs the Writing Center at the University of Richmond, where he teaches courses in writing and literature (and also in-world). If he doesn't have an answer for you, he'll know where to point you.




Sloan Skjellerup with Rockcliffe University Consortium. Sloan has lots of in-world experience working with students and faculty and can assist you in any number of Second Life efforts or point you in the right direction. Be sure to mention that Professor Neox sent you to her, should you IM her in-world.



Raspirit Heron (RL: Tone Aanderaa), an artist, educator, and the co-creator of Art Sanctuary in Second Life, is also a good friend of mine and someone you can IM for basic help, but is also a good person to talk to regarding in-world entrepreunership and Second Life art. You can see her blog here. Again, be sure to tell her I've sent you if you IM her.





Meryl Villota in SL, publishes under the name Mary Overton in RL. She is a reader and writer interested in how technology will enable new forms of story-telling. See her wikifiction and a list of her published work. To IM her, go into NCLC 350 group in Second Life.



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